Usage and Installation


To install phly-mustache, require phly/mustache via Composer:

$ composer require phly/mustache


Usage is fairly straightforward:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$mustache = new Phly\Mustache\Mustache();
echo $mustache->render('name-of-template', 'view');

Alternately, import the classes and/or namespaces you will use:

use Phly\Mustache\Mustache;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$mustache = Mustache();

By default, phly-mustache will look under the current directory for templates ending with the suffix .mustache.

You can create a stack of directories to search by adding template paths, optionally with namespaces, to the default resolver.

use Phly\Mustache\Resolver\DefaultResolver;

$defaultResolver = $mustache->getResolver()->getByType(DefaultResolver::class);

In the above, it will search first $path2, then $path1 to resolve the template.

Namespaces can be used to limit searches to the namespace specified, falling back to the default namespace. This is accomplished by specifying the template in the format namespace::template, and registering paths to match only specific namespaces:

use Phly\Mustache\Mustache;
use Phly\Mustache\Resolver\AggregateResolver;
use Phly\Mustache\Resolver\DefaultResolver;

// Either create an instance manually:
$defaultResolver = new DefaultResolver();

// add it to an AggregateResolver:
$resolver = new AggregateResolver();

// and push the aggregate to Mustache via the constructor:
$mustache = new Mustache($resolver);

// Or just push it into the default aggregate composed in Mustache:

// Or pull it from the default aggregate:
$resolver = $mustache->getResolver()->fetchByType(DefaultResolver::class);

// Now, add templates:
$resolver->addTemplatePath('templates'); // default namespace
$resolver->addTemplatePath('templates/blog', 'blog');
$resolver->addTemplatePath('templates/contact', 'contact');

$content = $mustache->render('blog::index');

In the above example, the renderer will resolve the path to templates/blog/index.mustache; if the file is not found there, it will fall back to templates/index.mustache. In no circumstance will it resolve to templates/contact/index.mustache for that template name.

You may also change the suffix it will use to resolve templates:

use Phly\Mustache\Mustache;
use Phly\Mustache\Resolver\DefaultResolver;

$mustache = new Mustache();
$defaultResolver = $mustache->getResolver()->getByType(DefaultResolver::class);
$defaultResolver->setSuffix('mst'); // now looks for files ending in ".mst"


By default, the Mustache instance composes an instance of Phly\Mustache\Resolver\AggregateResolver, which in turn composes an instance of Phly\Mustache\Resolver\DefaultResolver at low priority. This allows you to attach additional resolvers that you want to resolve earlier — for example, if you've written a caching resolver, or one that queries a database or NoSQL storage — while ensuring you have a working resolver out-of-the-box.

You can compose your own AggregateResolver instance and push it into the constructor of Mustache if desired.